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博彩预测 INDEX
score 1 0 2 tip
03.01 Rheinland Lions WPanthers Osnabrück W 70 : 7144 %7 %49 %2-2.9
04.01 Herner TC WEigner Angels Nordlingen W 79 : 5884 %5 %11 %141.6
04.01 TK Hannover WTV Saarlouis Royals W 68 : 7534 %6 %60 %2-14.2
04.01 BC Marburg WSyntainics MBC W 71 : 6950 %7 %43 %14.0
04.01 USC Freiburg WAlba Berlin W 68 : 7043 %7 %50 %2-4.2
05.01 Stars Keltern WBG 74 Göttingen W 84 : 5484 %5 %11 %159.2 Open an account with bet365 today.

总额 主场 客场  
1. Stars Keltern W 13 12 1 1033 759 6 1 552 416 12 6 0 481 343 12 +10 24
2. Alba Berlin W 13 11 2 902 795 5 1 426 360 10 6 1 476 435 12 +10 22
3. TV Saarlouis Royals W 13 8 5 991 892 6 2 616 494 12 2 3 375 398 4 0 16
4. Panthers Osnabrück W 13 8 5 920 886 3 3 396 426 6 5 2 524 460 10 +4 16
5. TK Hannover W 13 8 5 891 927 6 1 510 463 12 2 4 381 464 4 +2 16
6. Syntainics MBC W 13 7 6 907 903 3 4 473 494 6 4 2 434 409 8 0 14
7. Herner TC W 13 6 7 877 862 2 3 339 331 4 4 4 538 531 8 +2 12
8. Rheinland Lions W 13 4 9 909 967 3 3 430 432 6 1 6 479 535 2 -4 8
9. BG 74 Göttingen W 13 4 9 861 939 3 3 411 424 6 1 6 450 515 2 -4 8
10. Eigner Angels Nordlingen W 13 4 9 827 1013 2 5 439 545 4 2 4 388 468 4 -6 8
11. USC Freiburg W 13 3 10 907 980 2 5 519 540 4 1 5 388 440 2 -8 6
12. BC Marburg W 13 3 10 866 968 2 4 420 435 4 1 6 446 533 2 -6 6
主场比赛 主场
1. Stars Keltern W 7 6 1 552 416 12
2. TV Saarlouis Royals W 8 6 2 616 494 12
3. TK Hannover W 7 6 1 510 463 12
4. Alba Berlin W 6 5 1 426 360 10
5. Panthers Osnabrück W 6 3 3 396 426 6
6. Syntainics MBC W 7 3 4 473 494 6
7. Rheinland Lions W 6 3 3 430 432 6
8. BG 74 Göttingen W 6 3 3 411 424 6
9. Herner TC W 5 2 3 339 331 4
10. USC Freiburg W 7 2 5 519 540 4
11. BC Marburg W 6 2 4 420 435 4
12. Eigner Angels Nordlingen W 7 2 5 439 545 4
客场比赛 客场
1. Stars Keltern W 6 6 0 481 343 12
2. Alba Berlin W 7 6 1 476 435 12
3. Panthers Osnabrück W 7 5 2 524 460 10
4. Herner TC W 8 4 4 538 531 8
5. Syntainics MBC W 6 4 2 434 409 8
6. TV Saarlouis Royals W 5 2 3 375 398 4
7. TK Hannover W 6 2 4 381 464 4
8. Eigner Angels Nordlingen W 6 2 4 388 468 4
9. Rheinland Lions W 7 1 6 479 535 2
10. USC Freiburg W 6 1 5 388 440 2
11. BG 74 Göttingen W 7 1 6 450 515 2
12. BC Marburg W 7 1 6 446 533 2